Brandy emailed me about a month ago inquiring about wedding services. We decided to meet halfway at the Starbucks in Trussville, just to get to know each other and talk about possibilities for her wedding photography. From the moment I sat down at the table with her, I knew I just had to photograph her wedding. Everything was.....right. Conversation flowed easily, we had the same tastes, the same vision for her wedding photos, the same sense of humor. As we went our separate ways, she said that she'd get back with me in the next few days to follow up. I'm sure she didn't see me cross my fingers, hold my breath, and pray that she picked me! You see, I've learned that chemistry between photographer and client is imperative. They have to feel comfortable, to trust you, to believe that you have their best interest at heart. If they don't, it shows. Big time. And if they do? You get the most captivating photos because they feel free to just be. So Brandy and Kris, thank you for picking me...I am indebted to your trust.

I totally agree. If it had not been for my photographers in my wedding it would have been utter chaos. I just told them from the beginning "it's all in your hands, I trust you with the concept and the organization." I just did not want them coming up to me with a million different questions on the big day. As if I could think clearly on that day anyway!
oh my, how funny - I went to highschool with her! Tell her Angie Higdon said hello.
Jessica, I've been a lurker for a while and have loved seeing your photography grow. These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
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