I am very rarely in front of the camera if I can help it. Being behind my lens is such a safe and familiar and comfortable place for me that I forget how intimidating it can be to stare into the other side of it. I asked my good friend Shea to take a few photos of me for my website (I've been putting this off for months). As soon as she faced me with her Canon 5D, normal Jessica melted away as I morphed into insecure 13 year old Jessica...it makes me laugh now to think about how uncomfortable I was! This modeling stuff is alot harder than it looks! As awkward as I became, I really had a great time and it was so helpful for me as a photographer. I feel like it gave me new perspective on how to direct clients in order to make them feel confident while capturing the realness of who they are. Shea and I took turns shooting each other, trying out new angles & techniques. Thanks for your hard work Shea!