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    Monday, June 30, 2008

    Happy (belated) birthday Adam!


    Happy birthday to my sweet, wonderful, patient, loving husband.  It was his 25th yesterday and it gave cause to remember how blessed I am to share my life with him.  Adam is by far the best thing that has happened to me aside from coming to know my Lord.  I have said it before and I'll say it again--he is the calm to my storm.  He is the steady, patient voice that reminds me of the truth and comforts me when I forget who I was made to be.  He is always on the brink of cracking a joke and the is first to laugh in every situation.   Adam, I love you every day.


    Zach said...

    happy b'day adam!

    its funny how God works, sometimes
    we need to be reminded of what really matters in life. not cars,money or worldly things but the people you love. a while back god really slapped me and woke me from a life that was purly about "things". he gave me (one of the most sinfull people alive!)som1
    i dont deserve. I slap God in the face every day with my sins and wrongs but god still loves me anuf to bless me with the most special person in my life, My Sweetheart.
    and i thank God every day.

    Crissy said...

    Love the picture! Adam is a truly spectacular human being. Happy Birthday!!!