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    Sunday, December 16, 2007

    The Postons

    I usually have a pretty good idea of the type of shots I want to get before each session, but Saturday morning rolled around and I was drawing a blank.  I was eating breakfast with Adam before the Poston's session, and I blurted out,  "Adam, what am I going to do?  I usually just chase kids around with my camera while they are playing...I can't tell Brendan Poston to run around and play while I take his picture!"  Really, can you imagine how ridiculous it would be for me to tell a teenage boy to run around and play?  

    Thankfully, the Postons were really laid back and natural.  They know how to work it for the camera!

    Scott and Kim don't have any wedding photos, so we made up for that last Saturday.

    Kim homeschools both of the boys.  I love how she encourages their curiosity.

    10 points to whoever can guess Ellas's celebrity twin along with the movie that this is from:


    Crissy said...

    LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! What great pictures! Thank you so much Jessica for using your gift for the people I love best in the world. How lovely.

    Ginger said...

    Those are great! Once again, you really capture personalities!

    Anonymous said...

    Great! I love them! I'm getting antsy about getting our own family pictures made now. these are great, jessica. said...

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! You are an awesome photographer. I told my inlaws that a pro friend of mine was doing a photo shoot for us. They were so excited and pleased. I've given them your blog address for a preview of our pics. Thanks again.

    Your hubby is a phenom teacher! Bren is enjoying every second that he gets to spend w/ Adam.