Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Adam and I are now officially addicted to the show 24. I'm almost ashamed to admit it...this is not my typical happy-go-lucky comedy. I don't like supsense or violence or "plotting and scheming and thieving" (as Adam said in a snooty voice). But I just can't tear myself away from this show. There are so many twists and turns, I just HAVE to know what will happen next. I hide behind the laptop 1/2 the time with my eyes closed and my ears plugged screaming, "Adam I can't watch! Tell me when it's over!" Why do I do this to myself?
Thoughts and Ramblings
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Here are some links that I promised!
To check out CJ's music on his myspace page (see this post for more info), click here.
Please keep praying for baby Jonathan. Rebecca & Keith Ray, a sweet couple from our church, gave birth to Jonathan 1 1/2 weeks ago. His due date wasn't until May. The Lord has really shown his provision and grace through Jonathan's birth. His parents have set up a blog to detail his development. Follow along with them here.
I've added these two links in the list to the right for future reference.
Wedding season is soon approaching, so I thought I would try something new. I'm becoming more and more connected with other wedding vendors that I really respect and want to highlight. As I was planning my wedding, I struggled to with where to start. Hopefully this will help alleviate the stress for some bride out there!
I'll start with music, since I have a live-in wedding musician. :) My husband Adam plays in a wonderful group called Act of Congress , which consists of a violin, upright bass, guitar, & mandolin. They are all experienced musicians who are available for weddings & receptions. Check out their music here and shoot them an email at for more info. They have a wedding demo of typical songs used in weddings--if you are interested ask for a sample--they'll hook you up!
I'm going to continue to update this list of vendors. Click the "wedding vendors" label for an isolated listing, and keep checking back for more updates!!
Wedding Vendors
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Baby Caldwell
Adam's older sister Katie is due in 6 days! I really cannot believe that it is time for Baby Caldwell to come. Katie and her husband Lee chose not to find out if they were having a boy or a girl. So as you can imagine, the anticipation is mounting! Pregnancy really becomes Katie...she has always been petite, so the little baby growing in her tummy really shows! I think that is just beautiful, and was secretly hoping that she would want some maternity photos. We pulled out the camera for a quick 10 minute photoshoot at the family get together last weekend. Isn't she gorgeous?

Monday, February 18, 2008
Just some thoughts
The Donahoos just left and I have such a pleasant, homey feeling right now. You know that feeling you get when you have real fellowship? I think I'm more sensitive to it now that I work by myself most days. There is something about sitting alone in a quiet office staring at a computer screen every day that will really make you crave relationships. Real, true, honest relationships. Relationships how they were created to be--open, transparent, forgiving--gospel centered relationships. I think that being alone so much has also made it harder for me to be natural with it is hard for me to get back in the groove of relating to people. I revert back to 5 year old Jessica who is shy and scared of the world. It is so easy for me to let my fear prevent me from really getting to know people. I hate that, because in my heart I really do long for deep friendships. I just get hung up in the process. I can feel the Lord working in my heart and freeing me from this fear, but it still creeps up and enslaves me more often than I'd like to admit. It seems like this is my thorn that really prevents me from loving like Christ did. I am going through Discipling by Grace at church, and this is the first time in my life that I am beginning to really see the root of my insecurity and identify as the doubt, unbelief, and sin that it is. That in and of itself just proves that God is faithful even when I am faithless. I have mourned my insecurity so many times only to resolve to "do better" or "trust God more", all the while forgetting the gospel--the beauty of who I am in Christ. He loves me, He has forgiven me, He has made me completely righteous and He has promised to sanctify me. It is not up to me to do better. I will fall flat on my face every time. Christ has conquered sin and has made me more than a conqueror--not because of who I am, but because of who He is. Why is it so easy to forget this? I need to hear it over and over again. Thank you to all of my wonderful friends who remind me and who coax me out of my five year old shyness and into the light of the gospel.
Just as a side note, Trace and Ginger are lovely. I recommend them to all of you as superb dinner guests. Invite them over. Give them money to go to England. Let Trace tell you stories--he's pretty good at that. And Ginger makes some mean brownies.
In other news, I just found out that Adam doesn't wash his feet. Gross. I love him anyways. He does help me clean the house every weekend. I have a wonderful husband and now feel bad complaining about his stinky feet.
Adam and I have begun a strange old people habit. We have found this online game called "word whomp" where you make as many words as you can out of scrambled letters. I'm not at all embarrassed to admit that after a romantic dinner on Valentines day, we cuddled up on the couch and played an exciting game of word whomp. We're not pathetic, I promise.
I don't make new year's resolutions, but I think I'm going to try out a belated one and see how it goes. I NEVER comment on other people's blogs. Don't get me wrong, I read your blogs. I just don't comment. I'm what you call a lurker. I figure if I claim it, I can start taking steps towards remediation. The first step is to venture out into the world of blog commenting and just give it a try. I usually don't have any witty retorts to your posts, so just humor me if I write something stupid on your blog.
Please pray for the Rays, a sweet couple at our church. Rebecca is pregnant and due in May, but went into labor late Saturday. The doctors hoped to hold it off and keep her on bedrest, but the labor continued and they are trying to prepare for the baby. Please pray for the health of baby and Rebecca, as well as comfort and faith for Rebecca and Keith. I'll update as soon as I know something!
No photos for this post...hope to have some of the stuff I've been working on up soon. Thank you for making it this far in my ramblings!
Thoughts and Ramblings
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Vote for Act of Congress!
For the Birmingham Weekly's 2008 BAMAs Ballot! They are nominated for Birmingham's best country/bluegrass/americana band. Vote here. Tell all of your friends!!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Ok, so Adam gave let me borrow a cd that C.J. made a while back, and let me tell you it is absolutely amazing. Wow, what a voice. I was just blown away--it hasn't left my cd player. Hope these photos do his music justice.

Sunday, February 3, 2008
C.J. needed some promo pics done for his music, so we met up downtown yesterday to see what we could come up with. C.J. is getting his music career jumpstarted with new photos, a new myspace account, some new tunes--I'll post a link when he has his music up for listening.
One perk from yesterday--Adam came along to help me out. This was a first--I always try to talk him into to coming with me, usually to no avail. He was my assistant/entertainment during the shoot. I had a blast with him there--he and C.J. had a good time chatting about musical things while I just shot away.
So I took about a million pictures, but for some reason my computer has decided load at a snail-like pace, so I gave up trying to post more than one. I'm glad that I got this one up, though. It's my favorite of the moment. I'll post more C.J. promos soon!

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