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    Saturday, October 27, 2007

    Red kicks...

    Those of you who know me probably have my wardrobe memorized. I'm very predictable, with a touch of "plain jane" if you will. I'm not quite sure of my reasons for this...maybe it is because my life stays as chaotic and unpredictable as I can possibly have it, so my wardrobe provides a small source of stability. Ok, probably not. But last week I decided it was time to spice things up a bit. Stacy and I were out shopping and I found the perfect pair of red shoes. After getting the thumbs up from my fashionista sister (I tell her that she is the only thing that keeps me off of "what not to wear"), I made my big purchase. And then I came home and did the most logical thing possible--photographed the heck out of them.


    Kim said...

    AUUGH! I love these shoes... I was afraid for years to wear red shoes, to my own detriment. WEAR THEM AND LOVE THEM.

    Snarky Seamstress said...

    I love this picture! Roll Tide, haha.

    Julie said...

    I love your red shoes!

    Crissy said...

    me likee. yum.

    Anonymous said...

    love the new shoes .. have you worn them yet .. they look sooo stylish