I go to church with the Donahoos and have grown to dearly love their family. They are in the process of raising support to be full time missionaries in England, and it has been such a faith-builder to watch the Lord provide for their needs throughout this process. So here is my pitch: if you want to support them, send an email to traceandginger@windstream.net. I know that they covet your prayers, so get in touch with them and find out their prayer needs. Send them a note of encouragement. But most importantly, pray that the Lord will grow them and use them to draw others to Christ in England.
They wanted to have some photos to send to their family as Christmas presents, so we met up at Leeds Park (if you have kids, you MUST visit their incredible two story megaplayset) and took these photos...

I'm definitely new at the whole photoshop thing, but I love playing around in it when I have a little time. Here's the product of my silliness :)