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    Saturday, March 17, 2007

    I met Stacy and Rick downtown this morning for an engagement picture shoot. It was so fun to get to spend time with them. Despite the promise of warm weather from the beginning of the week, the artic winds were blowing and we practically froze. They were great subjects--I appreciated their patience as I fiddled around with my camera trying to get "just the right shot." Here are a few pictures from my first real "photo shoot"....


    Rick said...

    Jessica, they look great! Thank you again for doing them for us!

    Amanda said...

    Tell Stacy she needs to keep those lips to herself 'til she's had a proper weddin'.

    Love the pictures ... love you. Call me.

    Crissy said...

    I find it a bit disturbing - how much you and your sister look alike. Thought it was you for a sec.

    Oh yeah, the pictures are AWESOME!