Before I dive into this post, I do want to apologize if my last post seemed a little harsh. Those of you who know me are quite familiar with my lack of business skills. I have such a hard time charging for photos, but I've come to understand that I must. I wish more than anything that I could do this for free because I love spending time with you all and because I love what I get to do, but I just can't afford to. Reliable equipment doesn't come cheap these days, so I have to compensate for that. And I guess my last post was my best attempt at getting "unfun" business out of the way as quickly as possible. I don't say all this to make excuses to you, but just to be honest. Thank you so much for understanding.
In order to stay true to the title of my post, let me introduce you to the Russell's new special guest. Their family has the wonderful opportunity to foster little ones in their first few months in this world. This is their newest addition.